The Ultimate Guide to trump
More recent business ventures include his takeover of social media platform Twitter in October 2022.
"They didn't come because of me," he went on. "They came because of the election. They thought the election was a rigged election, and that's why they came."
In late March 2018, SpaceX received permission from the U.S. government to launch a fleet of satellites into low orbit for the purpose of providing Net service.
At least one election law expert is already questioning the legality of Musk’s million-dollar giveaway for supporters of his PAC’s petition.
On X, he shared a post which said the boss of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg “did the same thing in 2020”.
A 12-person jury unanimously found Trump guilty of fraudulently disguising those instalments as corporate legal expenses.
An in-depth look at the polls and what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the White House.
As coal plants shut in Romania, some miners transition to green energy while others are reluctant Bad state data may misdirect nearly $1 billion in federal funds to replace lead pipes Sweeping blackouts in Cuba raise the question: Why has the island's solar buildout been so slow?
He ploughed his fortune into a new rocket company, SpaceX - which he aimed to make a cost-effective alternative to Nasa - and a new electric car company, Tesla, where he chaired the board until becoming chief executive in 2008.
Ramos Tavares disse ainda de que Bolsonaro se beneficiou da liberdade do expressão para atacar a democracia e que foram por grande gravidade os ataques “comprovadamente infundados e absolutamente falsos, sistemáticos e notórios contra a urna bolsonaro vereador eletrônica, este processo e a Justiça Eleitoral” fabricados por Bolsonaro.
BBC Verify analysed a false post claiming to show a pro-abortion campaign ad that has widely circulated on social media.
And despite his own interest in artificial intelligence, he has also been one of the most prominent figures worried about the supposed threat to humanity's future that super-intelligent AIs might pose.
Já o segundo autor compartimentou este território Brasileiro em 28 multiplos unidades do relevo, de que compreendem:
Companhia atingiu a meta estabelecida por seu fundador, qual morreu em 2022 deixando para ESTES seis filhos uma das maiores fortunas da Europa